Affordable advertising on craigslist

Thursday, November 4, 2010 | Labels: | |

Advertising on Craigslist is certainly affordable. Indeed, there is no charge for most postings on Craigslist. Craigslist started as a non-profit organization, but in 1999 it was converted into a non-profit organization. However, operating costs are supported by charging nominal fees for help wanted ads placed at San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York Craigslist site. There are also broker for apartment listings in New York.

The vast majority of these ads ad on Craigslist is one of the more than 300 web sites are not paid a fee to do so. This definitely makes posting ads on Craigslist to be useful from a financial standpoint. While advertisements are free care should be taken to bring these ads, because although wisely, financial losses, the misallocation loss of time and resources can cause if it leads to poor profit potential.

Why Craigslist is Free

Although the founder of Craigslist, Craig Newmark, was approached in 1997 about the possibility of broadcast advertising banner on craigslist for a profit, he decided to keep Craigslist as a commercial yard. Even after Craigslist was converted to a for-profit marketing organization did not seep into the site. The points in the mission statement demonstrate why Craigslist has remained commercial Craigslist:

* Give each other a break, get the word out about everyday things in the real world
* Recovery of the human voice to the Internet, in a human, non-commercial environment
* Keep it simple, common sense, down-to-earth, honest, very real
* Provides an alternative to impersonal, big-media sites
* Being inclusive, giving voice to the disenfranchised, democratizing ...
* Being a collection of communities with similar spirit, not a monolithic entity

Advertise on Craigslist vs. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another form of marketing that allows owners of many companies find both interesting and affordable. For many, the appeal of affiliate marketing is the affiliates are not compensated for their efforts unless the business owner sees a kind of derived from advertising. It can be obtained in the form of website traffic in the case of pay per click marketing, in the form of sales in pay per sale marketing or in the form of potential customers when a user requests a specific action such as registering at a website or sign up for an offer. While affiliate marketing is very appealing there are others who prefer advertising on Craigslist. The advantages Craigslist offers to advertisers, of course, the advertisers never pay for their advertising business and the community gets a lot of website traffic already so driving traffic to the site is not a problem.

Why Free is not always better

But there are specific instances where free advertising is not the best form of advertising available. Consider a product or service for which Craigslist is not an appropriate category. In this case, advertising on Craigslist is not good, because even though the ads were free, it probably does not draw the audience too. In this case, advertising on Craigslist a waste of resources.

Another example of a case where Craigslist may not be an option of advertising is great when the market is already saturated with ads from competitors. In this case, it can be difficult to influence the loyalty, so it can more profitably be paying for advertising in a market less cluttered....


  1. Quoteraty says:

    Good job. I like it.

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