The characteristics of a guitar player needs

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 | Labels: | |

Being able to play guitar in front of a crowd of more efficient and magic is not the ultimate dream of every artist. While beginners often they wanted music, it just doesn play, AOT does not stop there, especially if you see yourself going somewhere. It must somehow advancing to the guitarist of a group. involvement in a group is one thing but to play the main role is another.

Why is lead so important that the group wants to keep him and respect him? Because he calls the shots. He decided the band's music to play. In other words, he is their leader.

A guitarist is someone who, apart from the singer, set to the crowd over. He is responsible for all, AOS attention and at the same time be able to entertain with his guitar talents and somehow the needs of their hard, soft, hard metal, or jazz music standards. A delight for the crowd.

This is a good opportunity to make your inner artist shine in the middle of the spotlight too late. But first you need to start working on the most important thing you should consider before such a commitment yourself. Once you have decided which Äôve way you go AOD, a rock star or a type of blues man, you should go if you really able to see your name and diving to include in the career of your life as a guitarist . Must hold and maintain

a. An objective
Most guitarists gift AOT really know what they want, which can lead to frustration or a dream. You must set goals for yourself. Set a delay when you Äôll be able to take the road you have to kick to see. The goal is like a road. Help this goal to inspire you to move your career to elevate.

b. Right Attitude
Issues like these need a lot of perseverance. If you want to see you at the top of the scene with lights and everything, you have potential to play the game. Your confidence must shine. Never give your resignation energy. The people should never use your. You own the stage, remember that.

c. Practice
Just because you have this part in the main doesn be AOT mean you should stop exercising. This should give you another reason to continue playing. It would be a shame if you, the reason is Äôll inappropriate remarks uncomfortable. Without religious practice, you can expect your career meltdown view.

d. Skills and knowledge
What good are you without your talent by mastering the guitar? Apart from the conventional way of playing the base guitar, you need a way to other things that will definitely blow your audience away naked. A typical example is Carlo Santana. It is considered a musical genius for his impeccable way of handling a guitar. Sometimes, not one, but both simultaneously.

e. Flexibility, discipline and respect
When a group or bond requirements of its members to be flexible enough to cope with pressure, stress, and sometimes the attitude of other members. Discipline must be maintained for cooperation and peace to gain, while strict adherence to imposed on the group. These three factors are the keys to a successful working relationship.


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