The concept behind Christian Youth Mentoring

Thursday, November 11, 2010 | Labels: | |

The process of orientation and mentoring people is a very delicate: Mentors must be able to make their protégés to grow and out of their shells, but they need a balance between directing the movements of their followers, and so this Fledglings time the power of their wings and fly to get their own will. This form of mentoring is Christian mentoring, in which a Christian provides a protege who may or may not be a Christian, but who will benefit from the strength and wisdom of senior or more experienced.

Such a mentoring relationship, at least in the Christian sense is that between a pastor and his junior. The former will lead young people the voice of God speak, and bring a sense of unity and Christian goodness to a flock. Another mentoring relationship as a Christian, between parents and children, where Christian parents to guide their children on the path of Christian life. Christian mentoring, therefore, the shift down and the sharing of knowledge and wisdom of someone who is an expert in a field and with the provisions and principles of Christianity is the mentor and protege to train.

In general, would Christian mentoring programs help people guide those who are younger than their Christian life. Some mentoring programs even drive would be or aspiring mentors two things at the start: a good mentor knowledge transfer and get a mentor who aspire to start living a good and Christian doctrine, and around the same time, a protégé who might benefit from your teaching and wisdom further down the line. Once these two people are identified, called a mentor or trainee is called to as creative as possible in meeting such people. These meetings can be as simple as calling at someone's house, meeting over coffee or dinner together.

Another way for the mentor and protégé to meet through a shared hobby. Such a hobby might include running, biking, writing poetry, books, or even kitchen. Despite the image of the intense and sometimes alienating spirituality attached to Christian mentoring, many Christian mentoring programs are actually more about building a stronger relationship between mentor and protégé. The shared hobby may actually be a simple beginning: many mentors will share tasks with their protégés, such as small jobs in his office, training the protégé in various tasks, or just listen to the call protection.

What makes Christian mentoring unique, however, the emphasis on things that otherwise seem vulnerable in the secular field. For instance, mentors and mentees needed to listen carefully to each other and to avoid speaking of yourself as much as possible to learn more. Second, mentors and protégés should be a true and sincere to each other as possible. Honesty is definitely the best policy in Christian mentoring, and if the protégé is depressed, awkward, unwanted, or just a bad mood, he or she is encouraged to talk with her mentor and humbly ask for advice.

There are many different kinds of Christian mentoring programs there. If you need more information, talk to your local Christian pastor, or search the Internet. Many mentoring programs as their own websites and mailing lists that make it easier for you to read about their work and writing in their program.


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